Du manoir de la closerie

Du manoir de la closerie Berger de la Serra de Aires

Berger de la Serra de Aires

Standart version anglaise FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009

 La traduction officielle du standard ci-dessous n'est pas encore publiée à ce jour par la FCI, merci Jennifer de l'avoir fait pour nous! 



SECRETARIAT GENERAL: 13, Place Albert 1er B – 6530 Thuin (Belgique)




FCI-Standard Nº 93 / 30.03.2009 / GB


(Cão da Serra de Aires)

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009




TRANSLATION: Portuguese Kennel Club. Revised by Raymond

Triquet, Jennifer Mulholland and Renée Sporre-Willes.

ORIGIN: Portugal.


STANDARD: 04.11.2008.

UTILIZATION: Sheepdog for herding and watching over livestock.

F.C.I. CLASSIFICATION: Group 1 Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs

(except Swiss Cattle Dogs).

Section 1 Sheepdogs.

Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : Sheepdog used in the

Alentejo region for herding and watching different kinds of livestock;

sheep, cattle, horses, goats and pigs. An austere and rustic dog

perfectly adapted to the area’s temperature changes and with great

endurance for covering long distances herding livestock through the

Alentejo plains.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium sized dog, medium long

(Sub-longilinear), with appreciable rusticity and sobriety, extremely

agile and swift, with ample and suspended movement. Long hair of

goat-like texture, without undercoat. It has simian-like attitudes and

appearance, which is why it is known in its native region as “monkey


IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The length of the body is

approximately 10% more than the height at the withers.

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009


The depth of chest is less than 50% of height at the withers. The

muzzle length is 2/3 of the skull length; the width of the skull is

slightly less than its length.

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT : Exceptionally intelligent and

very lively. Very devoted to the shepherd and the herd, it can be

somewhat wary of strangers and vigilant at night. Nowadays it is also

an excellent companion, sporting and guard dog. It is known for its

skilful ability to keep livestock in the pastures and also for searching

stray animals. It is always vigilant and successfully alerts for the

proximity of predators. The breed is extremely devoted to its work

and its shepherd. The work is conducted with joy and pleasure.

HEAD : Medium sized (mesocephalic), strong, broad, neither long

nor massive.


Skull : Tending to square, slightly longer than broad; divergent

longitudinal axes of the skull and muzzle; convex on both axes, but

more laterally. The superciliary arches are not prominent. The frontal

furrow is pronounced and extends to the middle of the forehead; the

area between ears is almost flat with apparent occipital protuberance.

Stop: Well defined.


Nose : Well defined, slightly raised and with ample nostrils, rounded,

cylindrical and truncated almost vertically; preferably black, may be

liver coloured in yellow and brown animals, but should always be

darker than the coat.

Muzzle : Short, measuring two thirds of the skull length; almost

cylindrical; the width being proportional to its length and shape.

Straight in profile or slightly concave.

Lips : Close fitting, not overlaid, almost straight, thin; firm. Edges of

the same colour as the nose.

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009


Jaws/Teeth : Normally developed, with perfect opposition of both

jaws; full dentition, with 42 solid white teeth; scissors bite, pincer bite


Eyes : Medium sized; rounded; preferably dark in colour, but may be

hazelnut or amber in brown and yellow animals; set level not

prominent. Lively expression, intelligent but docile; horizontal lids

black or always darker than the coat, in accordance with the colour of

the nose.

Ears : High-set; hanging and not folded; triangular. Thin and smooth

skin. Medium sized, of the same length and width (approximately 10


NECK : Harmoniously attached to head and body; of moderate

length; straight and slightly rising, moderately thick with strong

muscles; without dewlap.


Top line : Level or slightly sloping.

Withers : Strong and harmoniously attached to the neck and back.

Back : Straight or slightly sloping and long; well muscled; almost

twice as long as the loin.

Loin : Short and arched seen in profile; broad and curved seen from

the front; strongly muscled and well attached to the back and croup.

Croup : Slightly prominent and sloping; smoothly; of medium length

and width; strong muscles.

Chest : Down to the elbows; of medium width and depth; slightly

arched ribs, with oval rib cage, slanting to the back; the forechest is

prominent, broad, well let back and ample.

Underline and belly : Uprising with moderately tucked up belly and

slightly rising flanks.

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009


TAIL : Set on high; pointed; reaching the hocks; tapering from the

base. Long and abundant hair.

When at rest falls between the buttocks slightly arched and curved at

the tip, in action it either extends the backline or may curve slightly

over the top line, but never curled over the back.


FOREQUARTERS : Strong, upright when seen from the front and

side and well set apart; the distance from withers to elbow is slightly

less than from elbow to ground.

Shoulder : Of medium length; with a 45º lay back; well muscled;

scapula-humerus placed at a 90º angle.

Upper arm : Strong and of medium length; set at a 45º angle; well


Elbow : Parallel, close to the chest and with a 135 º humerus-radius


Forearm : Long; vertical and well muscled with bone of medium


Carpus (Pastern joint) : Lean and not prominent.

Metacarpus (Pastern) : Of medium length; and medium thickness;

neither sloping nor perfectly upright.

Forefeet : Rounded (not splayed); long and with tight and

pronouncedly arched toes; strong nails, black or darker than coat

colour. Thick and hard pads.

HINDQUARTERS : Medium width, upright when seen from the rear;

strong; giving a perfect impression of power and agility.

Thigh : Of medium length and width; well muscled; hip-femur angle

approximately 105º.

Stifle joint : Straight seen from the rear not inclined inwards or

outwards. Strong femur-tibia angle approximately 130º.

Second thigh : Long; slightly inclined; well muscled; strong bones.

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009


Hock : Of medium width; low set strong and lean; tibia-tarsus angle

approximately 120º.

Metatarsus (rear pastern) : Of medium length and thickness, but

strong; neither sloping nor perfectly upright. May have single or

double dewclaws.

Hind feet : Identical to the forefeet in all aspects.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : Predominantly it moves in a light and

suspended trot, with great reach. The gallop, when the work requires

it, is energetic.

SKIN : Thick; flexible; not very tight; internal and external mucous

membranes preferably pigmented.


HAIR : Straight or slightly wavy; long; with slightly harsh texture

preferably goat-like; forming long beard, moustache and eyebrows,

but not covering the eyes; dense and evenly distributed over the body,

including between toes; hair of medium thickness; without undercoat

or woolliness; very long coat on head, body and limbs, including

between toes.

COLOUR : Yellow, brown, grey, fawn and wolf-grey, in light,

medium and dark shades and black; with tan markings more or less

noticeable, but should never be pied, except for a very small white

spot on the chest.


Height at the withers:

Males: 45 - 55 cm.

Females: 42 - 52 cm.

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009



Males and females: 17 - 27 Kg.

FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be

considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be

regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on

the health and welfare of the dog.


Behaviour : Animals showing nervous, unbalanced


Jaws : Incorrect implantation of teeth, lack of two premolars

(except PM1).

Stop : Not pronounced.

Nose : Pointed.

Lips : Overlapping or pendulous.

Eyes : Light, small, slanting or not rounded.

Ears : Folded or rose-shaped.

Forechest : Too narrow.

Chest : Shallow, flat rib cage.

Top line : Saddle back or too sloping.

Croup : Horizontal or too sloping.

Underline : Too much tick-up.

Limbs : Tilted fore- or hind feet, cow hocks, and hindquarters

must not be straight.

Tail : Low set, short or curled over back, when at rest.

Nails : White.

Hair : Not harsh enough or not long enough.

Colour : White spot on the chest too large; tan points not


Gait : Not ample enough, not suspended, out at the elbows,

hocks too close.

FCI-St. N° 93 – 30.03.2009



Behaviour : Aggressive or overly shy.

General appearance : Lymphatic, light boned. Serious

deviations from the important proportions.

Head : Narrow and long.

Skull : Narrow, flat or globular.

Ears : Low set, or too wide apart, erect or semi-erect.

Muzzle : Convex profile.

Jaws : Undershot or overshot lack of more than two premolars

(except PM1).

Pigmentation : Total lack of pigmentation on nose, eyelids

and lips (albinism).

Tail : Docked or absent at birth.

Hair : Short, curly, or with undercoat.

Colour : White on the extremities of limbs or pied. Lack of

tan points in brown, grey and black adults.

Gait : Too hobbled and heavy, or with serious deviations of

forelegs, frailness.

Size : Oversized or Undersized.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall

be disqualified.

N.B.: Males animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully

descended into the scrotum.